Thursday, March 18, 2010

Journal 6-Wiki-NETS III & V

         The tool that I learned about is called Wiki. Wiki is a webpage where you can create any document that can be edited by other people, all you need is a web browser and usually you will have to sign in to be able to have permission to read and edit any posts. Wiki allows you to create a document while at the same time you can share and edit with others. The best thing about this tool is that it’s an easy, fast, and free tool to use! Many people feel that having Wikispaces, as everybody’s individual pages are called, is a great way to build communities. It’s also a great tool that teachers can use to create lesson plans, or any other documents, with the help of other teachers. Teachers from anywhere in the world, if invited to help create and edit the document, will be able to edit and help make the perfect lesson plan. Not only can teachers use this tool with other teachers but they can also create Wikispaces for their students, where students will be able to create documents, look at assignments, etc. This tool  has been created to be a simple tool that everybody can use without having to know too much about technology. Wikis are often confused for blogs, but the difference between these two is that on the Wikis you can make changes to a person’s posting and work with others to create a posting. As for the blog, one only creates a posting and others can only comment on it but are unable to edit it. I believe this is a great tool for communities and schools to have because not only is this tool free, but it also enables others to collaboratively create and edit important documents that may help in the improvement of our society.


  1. Wikis sound really cool! It would be awesome to have a place like this to post lesson ideas and have other teachers comment and/or edit them. If you do use it with teachers from other states or countries you both (or however many) could use the same lesson! I think it is a really good tool for the students as well and another place that is free for them to go and work on assignments. Good job Elizabeth!

  2. Thank you for explaining the distinction between Wikis and blogs because I was wondering about that. Wikis seem like a very cool tool for teachers to use in collaboration with other teachers about lesson plans and project ideas. This is a tool that I will definitely use as a future educator!

  3. Wiki sounds very similar to googledocs! I can definitely see how wiki could be a useful tool for teachers. I like what Chelsea said about using it to work with teachers from out of state or in another country.

  4. Wiki sounds like a great tool for classes. It does remind me of google docs. I think it is so cool how teachers and students can connect together with technology. I like that with Wiki you can edit and share with each other as well as have individual web pages.

  5. Thank you for explaining wiki. sounds like google docs to me. hmm, what else can I say?, yur blog is very pink and pretty, lol :)

  6. This is definitely an alternative to googledocs. It is a great tool to use in the classroom and to integrate technology.

  7. Wikkis sounds very similar to google docs, but I will have to investigate to really see the similarties and differences between the two. I love the idea of making a community, being able to share ideas. As well as get help with ones paper or lesson plan. It is a good way to get help from others with in minutes. Plus i love resources that are Free.

  8. After contributing to our class wiki, I believe that wiki is a great way to collaborate and share information among teachers. I invite you to check out my sketchfu1030 on our class wiki.
