For this assignment we answered technological questions that shows our proficiency in technology and its use in the classrooms. Based of our answers we were then compared to others in our comprehension level of technological tools, this models our engagement and knowledge in technology and will most likely help any educator enhance their learning through the usage of more technological tools.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Hate crime-Psa-NETS III
For this assignment we were instructed that we would be using a program called iMovie to create a Public Service Announcement(PSA) about Hate Crimes and most specifically focused on the recent incidents in our campus. We used video clips and also music in the background to create our movies and it had to be about 30-60 seconds long. The main purpose of our movie was to celebrate diversity and to stop hate crimes.
Wiki-My own equizzer!-NETS I, II, III, & IV
For this assignment, we were required to view some technological tools from the classroom wiki site. We had to chose one tool to learn about and create our own wiki page about the tool we chose. We then wrote about the tool and how we could use it in the classroom as future educators. Along with this description we were to create our own gadget from the tool learned and also display it on our blog.
If you want to see my actual page (with a cool sample), click here
If you want to see my actual page (with a cool sample), click here
Spreadsheet-crossword puzzle-NETS II & III
For this assignment we created an EXCEL Crossword puzzle, to learn to do this crossword puzzle in EXCEL we had to watch some tutorial videos and then create our crossword puzzle using Microsoft Excel. Our crossword puzzle would be created based on a subject matter of our choice or about ourselves, I chose to create the crossword puzzle about myself and my interests.
Copyright/safety assignment-NETS IV & V
For this assignment, we had to get into groups and complete a project about copyright and internet safety. My group decided to write the report collaboratively on google docs. Since we were three in our group we all had two sections to complete. My section was about cyber predators and piracy and plagiarism.
Wiki Assignment-equizzer-NETS I, II, III, & IV
For this assignment, we were required to view some technological tools from the classroom wiki site. We had to chose one tool to learn about and create our own wiki page about the tool we chose. We then wrote about the tool and how we could use it in the classroom as future educators. Along with this description we were to create our own gadget from the tool learned and also display it on our blog. This post here though shows the equizzer that I created.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Journal 10- Let the Kids do the Work-NETS I & V
Lawlor, J. (2010, March/April). Let the kids do the work. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(6), Retrieved from
I really enjoyed reading this article because it demonstrates how sometimes technology might encourage students who don't usually participate in classrooms to participate through the technology offered to them. This article is about a teacher that writes about how he was really proud and happy of his students because through the usage of Wiki his students became more responsible of their learning and learned how to use this technological tool to their educational advantage. After creating a Wiki, he realized that his students were more willing to participate and complete classroom assignments if they were being done on the Wiki page. This teacher also realized that even the students that did not participate in class where more outspoken in the Wiki and offered thoughtful ideas and better quality of work. Traditional homework was not very helpful with the students and so the teacher realized that most students "live" in the internet and that through the Wiki these students will be more willing and excited to participate in discussions and by completing more assignments. Another great example this teacher wrote about is about a student that was writing her essay. This particular student had posted her essay on the Wiki, her essay was not that long and needed much improvement. That same day this student received many replies about her essay from other students, that basically told her her essay needed more thought into. Later that night, she rewrote her essay making a few improvements, she then received more comments on her essay and rewrote it for the third time, this time she made so much more improvement. This example shows how this student and other students are more willing to revise and put more effort into their work if they have a chance to get feedback from their peers right away and the opportunity to complete these assignments online work as an incentive for many students to complete their work with better quality. Many shy students too found their voice on the Wiki page, they replied to other students' work and shared their papers with others. Many students too learned on their own how to customize the wiki pages, something that even the teacher did not know how to do! Now the teacher felt like the students were teaching the teacher instead of the reverse, this teacher was very proud of the students, overall he was mostly happy how all the students were more eager to complete assignments and put more effort in their work through the Wiki. He was very glad that he attended a workshop about how to include technology into the class because his students responded to this technology in a very positive way.
Do you think Wiki is a great technological tool for teachers to do? According to the article, Wiki made so much improvements in so many students. Shy students were able to find their voice through the Wiki and became more interactive with other students. Other students also learned how Wiki pages worked and how to customize them to their preferences. All of the student were more eager to complete their assignments and to create the best quality of work they could because they knew other students would be able to see their work and provide feedback on their papers.
Would I use a Wiki page in my classroom? I definitely would because Wiki has proven to work as an incentive to many students that learn better through the usage of technology. not only that but it also helps shy students to participate more in discussions and to interact with others through the Wiki. artistic students too might become much more interested in the classroom work and be able to flourish their artistic skills. Wiki overall would be a great incentive to all the students , they would want to be a part of the website therefore they will be more willing to complete assignments and participate in discussions much more.
I really enjoyed reading this article because it demonstrates how sometimes technology might encourage students who don't usually participate in classrooms to participate through the technology offered to them. This article is about a teacher that writes about how he was really proud and happy of his students because through the usage of Wiki his students became more responsible of their learning and learned how to use this technological tool to their educational advantage. After creating a Wiki, he realized that his students were more willing to participate and complete classroom assignments if they were being done on the Wiki page. This teacher also realized that even the students that did not participate in class where more outspoken in the Wiki and offered thoughtful ideas and better quality of work. Traditional homework was not very helpful with the students and so the teacher realized that most students "live" in the internet and that through the Wiki these students will be more willing and excited to participate in discussions and by completing more assignments. Another great example this teacher wrote about is about a student that was writing her essay. This particular student had posted her essay on the Wiki, her essay was not that long and needed much improvement. That same day this student received many replies about her essay from other students, that basically told her her essay needed more thought into. Later that night, she rewrote her essay making a few improvements, she then received more comments on her essay and rewrote it for the third time, this time she made so much more improvement. This example shows how this student and other students are more willing to revise and put more effort into their work if they have a chance to get feedback from their peers right away and the opportunity to complete these assignments online work as an incentive for many students to complete their work with better quality. Many shy students too found their voice on the Wiki page, they replied to other students' work and shared their papers with others. Many students too learned on their own how to customize the wiki pages, something that even the teacher did not know how to do! Now the teacher felt like the students were teaching the teacher instead of the reverse, this teacher was very proud of the students, overall he was mostly happy how all the students were more eager to complete assignments and put more effort in their work through the Wiki. He was very glad that he attended a workshop about how to include technology into the class because his students responded to this technology in a very positive way.
Do you think Wiki is a great technological tool for teachers to do? According to the article, Wiki made so much improvements in so many students. Shy students were able to find their voice through the Wiki and became more interactive with other students. Other students also learned how Wiki pages worked and how to customize them to their preferences. All of the student were more eager to complete their assignments and to create the best quality of work they could because they knew other students would be able to see their work and provide feedback on their papers.
Would I use a Wiki page in my classroom? I definitely would because Wiki has proven to work as an incentive to many students that learn better through the usage of technology. not only that but it also helps shy students to participate more in discussions and to interact with others through the Wiki. artistic students too might become much more interested in the classroom work and be able to flourish their artistic skills. Wiki overall would be a great incentive to all the students , they would want to be a part of the website therefore they will be more willing to complete assignments and participate in discussions much more.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Journal 9- Playing with Skype-NETS II & V
Weller, T.J. (2010). Playing with skype. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(6), Retrieved from
Travis J. Weller writer of this article, writes about trying to figure out ways to help music composers connect with the students who bring their musical pieces to life and with the families who are listening to them play. The author finally found a great way to bring composers to live concerts using technology. This would be possible using Skype. The equipment requirements were not many, they would only need a computer with a broadband internet connection, a data projector, a couple of microphones, a webcam,adapters to pump the audio feed through the sound system and a projector screen. Mr. Weller was able to have all of this equipment because of a grant they received from the Classrooms for the Future. Noted composers then agreed to appear live at this concerts via Skype and they were able to introduce their pieces before the students performed them. Not only was this introduction meaningful to the students and families but to the composers as well. Composers were able to communicate about their piece and what they were really trying to project with their pieces. Mr. Weller believes that if the usage of technology makes for a richer educational experience then it is worth it. Skype is very easy to use and it only takes a few simple steps to signup for the installation of Skype. Composers also liked the usage of Skype because not only was it easy to use but it also allowed them to explain their pieces so that the audience and students can better identify with them. Skype's main purpose is for experts in subject areas to share in the classroom about this in real time without having to fly in from another state or country. Mr.Weller believes teachers should not feel intimidated by Skype but that they should use Skype to their advantage and try to get as much learning experiences out of Skype as possible.
Do you think Skype is a great digital tool to use in the classroom? I believe Skype is a great educational resource because it allows experts in any subject area to share their knowledge in real time through the internet. Students will be able to interact with this people and get a feel of what these presenters want to transmit to the people about their musical pieces, and or other works that they have accomplished. Skype is easy to use and it also seems to be very affordable, something schools need nowadays to enrich our students' learning experiences.
How would I see myself using this technology in the classroom? I think Skype would be great to use in the classroom because I could have experts talk about any subject matter that correspond to them and to what my students are learning about. For example, I could have a zoologist come to the classroom via Skype to talk about animals and their habitats when learning about animals. Skype will allow knowledgeable experts in any subject area to come into the classroom and teach about their corresponding subject area. After using skype I would have my students write a reflective paper about what they learned and about the experience they had having experts teach through Skype.
Travis J. Weller writer of this article, writes about trying to figure out ways to help music composers connect with the students who bring their musical pieces to life and with the families who are listening to them play. The author finally found a great way to bring composers to live concerts using technology. This would be possible using Skype. The equipment requirements were not many, they would only need a computer with a broadband internet connection, a data projector, a couple of microphones, a webcam,adapters to pump the audio feed through the sound system and a projector screen. Mr. Weller was able to have all of this equipment because of a grant they received from the Classrooms for the Future. Noted composers then agreed to appear live at this concerts via Skype and they were able to introduce their pieces before the students performed them. Not only was this introduction meaningful to the students and families but to the composers as well. Composers were able to communicate about their piece and what they were really trying to project with their pieces. Mr. Weller believes that if the usage of technology makes for a richer educational experience then it is worth it. Skype is very easy to use and it only takes a few simple steps to signup for the installation of Skype. Composers also liked the usage of Skype because not only was it easy to use but it also allowed them to explain their pieces so that the audience and students can better identify with them. Skype's main purpose is for experts in subject areas to share in the classroom about this in real time without having to fly in from another state or country. Mr.Weller believes teachers should not feel intimidated by Skype but that they should use Skype to their advantage and try to get as much learning experiences out of Skype as possible.
Do you think Skype is a great digital tool to use in the classroom? I believe Skype is a great educational resource because it allows experts in any subject area to share their knowledge in real time through the internet. Students will be able to interact with this people and get a feel of what these presenters want to transmit to the people about their musical pieces, and or other works that they have accomplished. Skype is easy to use and it also seems to be very affordable, something schools need nowadays to enrich our students' learning experiences.
How would I see myself using this technology in the classroom? I think Skype would be great to use in the classroom because I could have experts talk about any subject matter that correspond to them and to what my students are learning about. For example, I could have a zoologist come to the classroom via Skype to talk about animals and their habitats when learning about animals. Skype will allow knowledgeable experts in any subject area to come into the classroom and teach about their corresponding subject area. After using skype I would have my students write a reflective paper about what they learned and about the experience they had having experts teach through Skype.
Journal 8- Navigate the Digital Rapids-NETS IV & V
Lindsay, J., & Davis, V. (2010, March/April). Navigate the digital rapids. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(6), Retrieved from
This article focuses on how to teach digital citizenship to students and the pitfalls to avoid as a teacher. The main focus of the article is to empower student-centered learning experiences that provide vibrant and exciting learning projects through the usage of technology. It's important to teach our students how to use technology appropriately and how to use this technology safely without causing any harm to themselves and to others. This article talks about how students need different learning experiences so that they can always be engaged, unlike teaching them with the same old routine that remains unchanged throughout the years. Customizing our classrooms without forgetting about our national standards can lead to richer learning experiences. These teachers use digital tools in a variety of ways to create various learning experiences. These so called digiteachers do not let fear get in the way when they are presented with the standardized outcomes, instead they meet these outcomes with special unique learning experiences. By customizing their classrooms and providing different learning approaches it allows to connect to all students' unique learning styles and interest,which I believe too to be very important to effectively teach all of our students and meeting all of their needs. Educational networks are great for teachers to be involved in because knowledgeable people come together and offer advice, teaching techniques and pitfalls to avoid in the classrooms. In this educational networks also students and parents can be a part of, and they all must conduct themselves in a professional and culturally sensitive manner. It is also important to be careful with the type of language you use and the quality of the materials that they may upload onto these websites. The teacher's role of all these technology usage is to "gather, lead by example, and to make sure students don't cross the line" and that when misunderstandings happen the teacher is to coach students about responsibility and sensitivity. It is always important to have a plan of what to do when inappropriate usage of these technologies occur. A good thing about the networks though is that they are monitored 24 hours a day and new content is reviewed right away to prevent any inappropriate files to be uploaded. Overcoming the fear of technology citizenship is important as well, as new incomers to these whole new digital journey you will experience some fear and insecurities but as you start learning more about its usage you will be able to become more proficient and knowledgeable about digital citizenship. When you educate students about the internet you are making their internet experience safer. Everything these students do should be age appropriate. Sometimes some students may post off-topic questions as well and these off-topic questions, if monitored, can also provide new learning experiences. The Flat Classroom Project is a network created by Julie Lindsay and Vicki Davis, that is for educators who want to transform learning through global collaboration. The educational approach is focused on helping students to become competitive and globally minded.
Why is the usage of technology in our classrooms so important? Nowadays we are presented with new digital tools and as teachers we should learn how these tools work and how we can incorporate them into the curriculum so that our students learn about them, not only will they learn how to use these tools appropriately but they will also be learning academics. Teaching our students to become responsible digital users is important so that they learn how to use them to their educational advantage and in real life experiences responsibly.
What else can a teacher do to make sure students use the internet responsibly? A great thing a teacher can do is to get parents involved in their children's learning. Parents and students can attend workshops that the school should provide, that teaches about internet usage and how to be safe in the internet. Having the parents involved is very important because these parents will have some knowledge about the Internet and can monitor their children better at home. They can also talk with their children and so not only will these students learn about internet safety and citizenship at school but also at home.
This article focuses on how to teach digital citizenship to students and the pitfalls to avoid as a teacher. The main focus of the article is to empower student-centered learning experiences that provide vibrant and exciting learning projects through the usage of technology. It's important to teach our students how to use technology appropriately and how to use this technology safely without causing any harm to themselves and to others. This article talks about how students need different learning experiences so that they can always be engaged, unlike teaching them with the same old routine that remains unchanged throughout the years. Customizing our classrooms without forgetting about our national standards can lead to richer learning experiences. These teachers use digital tools in a variety of ways to create various learning experiences. These so called digiteachers do not let fear get in the way when they are presented with the standardized outcomes, instead they meet these outcomes with special unique learning experiences. By customizing their classrooms and providing different learning approaches it allows to connect to all students' unique learning styles and interest,which I believe too to be very important to effectively teach all of our students and meeting all of their needs. Educational networks are great for teachers to be involved in because knowledgeable people come together and offer advice, teaching techniques and pitfalls to avoid in the classrooms. In this educational networks also students and parents can be a part of, and they all must conduct themselves in a professional and culturally sensitive manner. It is also important to be careful with the type of language you use and the quality of the materials that they may upload onto these websites. The teacher's role of all these technology usage is to "gather, lead by example, and to make sure students don't cross the line" and that when misunderstandings happen the teacher is to coach students about responsibility and sensitivity. It is always important to have a plan of what to do when inappropriate usage of these technologies occur. A good thing about the networks though is that they are monitored 24 hours a day and new content is reviewed right away to prevent any inappropriate files to be uploaded. Overcoming the fear of technology citizenship is important as well, as new incomers to these whole new digital journey you will experience some fear and insecurities but as you start learning more about its usage you will be able to become more proficient and knowledgeable about digital citizenship. When you educate students about the internet you are making their internet experience safer. Everything these students do should be age appropriate. Sometimes some students may post off-topic questions as well and these off-topic questions, if monitored, can also provide new learning experiences. The Flat Classroom Project is a network created by Julie Lindsay and Vicki Davis, that is for educators who want to transform learning through global collaboration. The educational approach is focused on helping students to become competitive and globally minded.
Why is the usage of technology in our classrooms so important? Nowadays we are presented with new digital tools and as teachers we should learn how these tools work and how we can incorporate them into the curriculum so that our students learn about them, not only will they learn how to use these tools appropriately but they will also be learning academics. Teaching our students to become responsible digital users is important so that they learn how to use them to their educational advantage and in real life experiences responsibly.
What else can a teacher do to make sure students use the internet responsibly? A great thing a teacher can do is to get parents involved in their children's learning. Parents and students can attend workshops that the school should provide, that teaches about internet usage and how to be safe in the internet. Having the parents involved is very important because these parents will have some knowledge about the Internet and can monitor their children better at home. They can also talk with their children and so not only will these students learn about internet safety and citizenship at school but also at home.
Journal 7-The Beginner's Guide to Interactive Virtual Field Trips-NETS I & V
Zanetis, J. (2010, March/April). The Beginner's guide to interactive virtual field trips. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(6), Retrieved from
The article I read was very informative, for so before reading this article I did not know about Virtual field trips, also known as VFTs. Virtual field trips are field trips that are done virtually over the internet. VFTs are great because it allows students and teachers to visit other places that would not be economically possible for some schools and by doing the VFTs it allows them to do this. VFTs allows students to learn about so many things, it allows them to tour historic sites, witness scientific experiments, attending folk festivals and so many other events without ever having to leave their classroom. There are two types of VFTs, the Asynchronous VFTs and the Interactive VFTs. The Asynchronous VFTs are not delivered in real time, they usually have websites that are devoted to a topic or subject matter. These websites provide videos, text and audio about these topics and sometimes they have a podcast of a host guiding you through the website. Not all Asynchronous VFTs have great quality or vast substance and so the author of this article recommended us with some good websites that are of good quality and substance. These websites are,, and Another type of VFTs is called Interactive VFTs. These Interactive VFTs are synchronous, real-time experiences that allows students to communicate with the people on the other side of the screen. The Interactive VFTs also take place in the internet using h.323 videoconferencing technology. The author does note that before people think this option might be too expensive that they should first ask the school if they have this equipment already because a 2009 study made found that approximately 30% of U.S. schools have this equipment installed. There are many museums, science centers, historical sites, and many other organizations that offer Interactive VFTs to schools. The presenters of these interactive VFTs are trained and adjust their lessons to the student's level of comprehension. They provide interactive lessons focusing on the subject matter being studied that also correlates with their organization. VFTs allows students and teachers to learn about and visit far away places without having to spend so much money. Students and teachers have found these VFTs to be engaging and very effective.
Do I see myself providing my students with VFTs? Definitely! I think VFTs are great opportunities for different types of learning. It is a new experience, that as I read in the article, seems to effectively engage the students. Students would be able to research these websites, visit far away places that they may have dreamed of visiting and not only will they be visiting far away places but they will also be learning about them at the same time.
Which type of VFT do I like best and why do I think this type of VFT will engage students and teach them better? I liked best the Interactive VFTs because they are real time field trips, where students can actually ask questions and get answers right away. They would be experiencing real time tours through museums, historic sites, and many other places that they may be learning about. The students will be able to interact much better than in the Asynchronous VFTs and I think it will be a great educational experience for all students.
The article I read was very informative, for so before reading this article I did not know about Virtual field trips, also known as VFTs. Virtual field trips are field trips that are done virtually over the internet. VFTs are great because it allows students and teachers to visit other places that would not be economically possible for some schools and by doing the VFTs it allows them to do this. VFTs allows students to learn about so many things, it allows them to tour historic sites, witness scientific experiments, attending folk festivals and so many other events without ever having to leave their classroom. There are two types of VFTs, the Asynchronous VFTs and the Interactive VFTs. The Asynchronous VFTs are not delivered in real time, they usually have websites that are devoted to a topic or subject matter. These websites provide videos, text and audio about these topics and sometimes they have a podcast of a host guiding you through the website. Not all Asynchronous VFTs have great quality or vast substance and so the author of this article recommended us with some good websites that are of good quality and substance. These websites are,, and Another type of VFTs is called Interactive VFTs. These Interactive VFTs are synchronous, real-time experiences that allows students to communicate with the people on the other side of the screen. The Interactive VFTs also take place in the internet using h.323 videoconferencing technology. The author does note that before people think this option might be too expensive that they should first ask the school if they have this equipment already because a 2009 study made found that approximately 30% of U.S. schools have this equipment installed. There are many museums, science centers, historical sites, and many other organizations that offer Interactive VFTs to schools. The presenters of these interactive VFTs are trained and adjust their lessons to the student's level of comprehension. They provide interactive lessons focusing on the subject matter being studied that also correlates with their organization. VFTs allows students and teachers to learn about and visit far away places without having to spend so much money. Students and teachers have found these VFTs to be engaging and very effective.
Do I see myself providing my students with VFTs? Definitely! I think VFTs are great opportunities for different types of learning. It is a new experience, that as I read in the article, seems to effectively engage the students. Students would be able to research these websites, visit far away places that they may have dreamed of visiting and not only will they be visiting far away places but they will also be learning about them at the same time.
Which type of VFT do I like best and why do I think this type of VFT will engage students and teach them better? I liked best the Interactive VFTs because they are real time field trips, where students can actually ask questions and get answers right away. They would be experiencing real time tours through museums, historic sites, and many other places that they may be learning about. The students will be able to interact much better than in the Asynchronous VFTs and I think it will be a great educational experience for all students.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Inspiration-NETS III
For this assignment we used a program called Inspiration. Inspiration is a graphic organizer that has many tools and functions we can use to create our own organizer. To create this graphic organizer we had to have the NETS standards, choose two subsections for each of the NETS and describe for each of these an artifacts that we have done in our ed422 class that meets this standard, also depicting this artifact with a picture in our graphic organizer.

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